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Cause and Consequence

mardi 16 octobre 20180 commentaires

Cause and Consequence

I- cause

1- I prefer to stay at home because it’s raining.

2- I have to format my computer for it’s infected with a virus named cheval de troie.

3- Since he is not very rich, he can’t buy a big house for his family

    He can’t buy a big house for his family since he’s not very rich.

4- As Agadir is an expensive tourists, a lot of people east Morocco prefer to go to other resorts like Zegzel, tafoughalt and Friouato.

II- Consequence [ effect ]

1- It’s raining outside. Therefore, I prefer to stay at home.

2- Leila is no longer engaged to Ahmed. So, she is feeling depressed these days.

3- Messi had a wonderful season withBarcelonathis year. As a consequence / Consequently / As a result, he is likely to be nominated best player.

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