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Construction of the Passive Voice

jeudi 11 octobre 20180 commentaires

Construction of the Passive Voice

Construction of the Passive Voice

The structure of the passive voice is very simple:
subject + auxiliary verb (be) + main verb (past participle)
The main verb is always in its past participle form.
Simple present.

1- We             keep                 the butter               in the fridge in summer.
Subject          verb                Direct object
– The butter      is                    kept                         in the fridge in summer
Subject         auxiliary        verb (pp)

2- The engineers are repairing theLondon bridge.       ( present continuous )
The Londonbridge is being repaired by the engineers.
3- The Prime Minister has just delivered a speech in the parliament   ( Present perfect )
A speech has just been delivered by the prime minister in the parliament.
4- The Marines assassinated Ben Laden last year.  ( Simple Past )
Ben Laden was assassinated last year by the Marines
5- We should preserve the African Elephant because it ‘s going to extinct. ( Modal)
The African elephant should be preserved because it’s going to extinct.
The Impersonal Passive
1- People say that Houssni Moubarak is in a coma these days.
It is said that Houssni Moubarak is in a coma these days.
Example 2
-  People think that the Arab spring is going to be a dead loss
    It is thought that the Arab spring is going to be a dead loss.
( The impersonal passive is used with verbs like assume, believe, consider, know, suppose,
Understand, estimate, feel ……..)
Being + verbs ( used after verbs in the Gerund form )
1-      You should go home before dark to avoid being mugged.
2-      Peter hates being given orders
3-      I remember being punished by my teacher in the primary school.
4-      Ilham doesn’t like being cheated.
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